


제95회 콜로키엄 안내: Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Korea: The Buddhist Solidarity for Reform and Chongji Jong

등록일 : 2016.05.13 조회 : 109



524일 화요일 오후 4시에 제95회 콜로키엄을 개최합니다. 장소는 규장각 1층 회의실(112)입니다.

이번 강연은 한국학중앙연구원 해외한국학에서 박사학위를 받으신 Santosh K. Gupta 선생님께서


Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Korea: The Buddhist Solidarity for Reform and Chongji Jong


라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.


Santosh K. Gupta 선생님께서는 인도 Bihar University에서 사회학 전공으로 학사 학위를 받으셨고, 인도 Patna University에서 인도 역사와 문화 전공으로 석사 학위를, 인도 University of Delhi에서 동아시아 역사와 문화 전공으로 철학 석사 학위와 박사 학위를 받으셨고, 한국학중앙연구원에서 한국학 전공으로 석박사 학위를 받으셨으며, 현재 규장각한국학연구원에 펠로우로 와계십니다.


아래에 발표 개요를 첨부하오니, 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.




Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Korea: The Buddhist Solidarity for Reform and Chongji Jong



Santosh K. Gupta(규장각한국학연구원 펠로우)


During the colonial period and with the arrival of Korea’s independence, traditional Buddhism experienced a noticeable revival and rise of lay Buddhist movement. However this paper aims to focus on the characteristic of the contemporary Lay Buddhist communities in Korea, with special reference to the Buddhist Solidarity for Reform (BSR) and Chongji Jong. These two organizations not only deal with the social issues but also promote Buddhist practices in everyday life. They function completely independently, at least, from the monastically controlled Buddhist Orders of Korea. Though, these Buddhist organizations have indubitably incorporated some modern approaches of other religions for welfare work and social networking, and that is why there has been some criticism that the contemporary Korean Buddhists social engagement is the copy of modern missionary work. However, their methods and agendas counter the criticism because they are deeply concerned for the active participation of lay Buddhist followers and monastic reform. Therefore, this study analyzes the social welfare agenda and social engagement by focusing on the process of formation of religious social base and social networking of these two prominent lay Buddhist organizations. They are diverse in their objectives, functioning, and approaches, as well as they represent separate social groups. For example, the BSR represents an elite community of lay Buddhist followers and functions as a mentor and pressure group. While the Chongji Jong represents an ordinary community of lay Buddhist followers and functions as a charity group. Moreover, they are critical to the centralized and monastically controlled Buddhist organizations particularly to the Jogye Order and demand for greater access and lay Buddhist participation in the policy framing.


Keywords: Lay Buddhism, Engaged Buddhism, reformation, social welfare, social base, social networking




문의) 규장각 학술교육부 880-5827