


제79회. Summoning the Specter of D.H. Lawrence: Paik Nak-chung and the Practice of Dissident Reading in South Korean Literary Criticism

등록일 : 2014.04.21 조회 : 116



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이번 강연은 미시건 대학교(University of Michigan) 아시아 언어·문화학과 박사과정을 밟고 있으신

황신영(Susan Hwang) 선생님께서


Summoning the Specter of D.H. Lawrence: Paik Nak-chung and the Practice of Dissident Reading in South Korean Literary Criticism


이라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.


황신영 선생님께서는 캘리포니아 대학교(University of Californi)에서 비교문학과 동아시아학으로 학사학위를, 콜롬비아 대학(Columbia University)에서 동아시아 언어·문화학으로 석사학위를, 미시건 대학(University of Michigan)에서 아시아언어·문화학과 박사 과정 중이시며, 규장각한국학연구원에 펠로우로 와계십니다.


아래에 발표 개요를 첨부하오니, 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.






Summoning the Specter of D.H. Lawrence:

Paik Nak-chung and the Practice of Dissident Reading in South Korean Literary Criticism


Susan Hwang (University of Michigan)



   Broadly speaking, this presentation examines the ways in which historically engaged readings of Western literature in contemporary South Korean literary criticism functioned as a privileged site for both interpretation of Euro-American texts for South Korean audience and for interpretation of social, political, and literary phenomena in South Korea. In this presentation I focus on the literary critic Paik Nak-chung’s readings of D.H. Lawrence, an early 20thcenturyBritishwriter. Paik’s sustained interest in Lawrence throughout his extensive career as a theorist, translator, political activist, and editor becomes all the more curious when we take into account the fact that, among literary critics in the West, Lawrence is most often categorized as a reactionary among “left-wing” literary critics.

   Specifically, I will be looking at the connections that Paik draws between his readings of Lawrence, of Korean literature, and of Korean society from three different times (1969, 1982, and 2011) in Paik’s career as a literary critic. This selection of Paik’s works as such is deliberate to some extent, to show how Paik mobilizes his readings of Lawrence to comment on key moments in South Korean literature, society, and politics over the span of nearly fifty years including, but not limited to, the primacy of the individual over the collective in literature in the 1960s, the hegemony of “the American Dream” versus anti-Americanism in the 1980s, and the push for democratic change in South Korean politics in recent years. In so doing, this presentation attempts to illuminate upon how such strategic foreign provenance challenges received notions of national boundaries in Korean literary criticism, as well think about such a turn to Western literature in ways alternative to the hackneyed rationale of the “authority of the West.”


Keywords: literary criticism, D.H. Lawrence, relation between text and context, literature and politics, literature and social engagement, heterogeneity of literary practices


문의) 규장각 학술교육부 880-5827