


제97회 콜로키엄 안내: Into the New World: Korean Literature of the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Centuries

등록일 : 2016.08.25 조회 : 114



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이번 강연은 University of British Columbia 아시아학부 교수로 재직중이신 Bruce Fulton 선생님께서

Into the New World: Korean Literature of the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Centuries

라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.

Fulton 선생님께서는 미국 워싱턴대학교에서 한국 지역학을 전공으로 석사 학위를 받으셨고, 서울대학교에서 한국현대문학을 전공으로 박사 학위를 받으셨으며, 현재 규장각한국학연구원에 펠로우로 와계십니다.

아래에 발표 개요를 첨부하오니, 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.

Into the New World:

Korean Literature of the Late Twentieth and Early Twenty-first Centuries

Bruce Fulton

Min Young-Bin Chair in Korean Literature and Literary Translation

Department of Asian Studies

University of British Columbia


Korean literature in the new millennium faces an uncertain future. While drama appears to be thriving, poetry has been slow to diversify and literary fiction struggles to maintain a readership in a publishing industry in which as many as 60 percent of the books published in a year are translations (the comparable figure in the U.S. is 3 percent). The heart and soul of the Korean literary tradition is performance, specifically song and dance, but this oral tradition (kubi munhak) survives primarily in contemporary drama and in the poetry of Kim Hyesun, the most imaginative poet in Korea today. Recorded literature (kirok munhak), growing out of the tiny percentage of the population of traditional Korea that was literate in classical Chinese, remains disproportionately influential, centered in a power structure (the mundan) consisting primarily of men with advanced degrees in Korean or other literatures, almost all of whom style themselves as literary critics (munhak p’yŏngnon’ga) rather than scholars (hakcha). Scholarship on Korean literature, whether in Korean or English, tends to focus on writers who are dead or no longer active, resulting in a plethora of studies on “representative works” (taep’yojŏgin chakp’um), which tend to be treated like museum pieces rather than living, breathing works of literature, and a corresponding paucity of studies on the literature of recent decades. In this presentation I therefore focus on the last three decades, and especially literature produced since the IMF crisis of the mid-1990s. I discuss major trends and influential figures in the genres of drama, poetry, and especially literary fiction. I conclude by suggesting that Korean literature, especially poetry and fiction, as well as the mundan in which they aresituated, need to continue to diversify if they are to remain viable, whether in Korea or abroad.

문의) 규장각 국제한국학센터 880-9378