


2019 규장각 한국학워크숍: 계측되는 신체, 식별되는 정신

등록일 : 2019.11.12 조회 : 337

주제: 계측되는 신체, 식별되는 정신: 20세기의 과학, 인종, 신체와 근대 한국(인)

일시: 2019년 11월 25일 (월) 오후1시-6시

장소: 규장각한국학연구원 1층 회의실

Assessing Modern Korea(ns): Science, Race, and Bodies across the Twentieth Century

This workshop is aimed to gather four scholars who research colonial/modern (1910-1945) and post-colonial/Cold War/contemporary (1945-1990) Korea to place our historical research into productive dialogues. Our common interests include the under-studied place of biomedicine, science, and technology in Korean society and culture. In that sense, the workshop offers a unique opportunity to interface Korean Studies with fields that often do not intersect; these include science and technology studies, disability studies, and queer studies. The specific focus of the workshop will be on the historical practice and embodied effects of bodily assessments. As any student will know, Koreans face a litany of tests to measure their aptitude. Those performing military service will also have faced a series of ongoing measurements of their bodies and minds. Those who visit hospitals will also understand the importance of assessing their health. In addition to addressing such mechanisms of assessment, our papers will also focus on its myriad and uneven effects across time and various subpopulations. For example, many Korean citizens (and, more recently, non-citizens residing in Korea more than six months) today benefit from the fruits of biomedical modernity, receiving relatively affordable healthcare. But, as several court cases about gender confirmation surgeries and concomitant legal battles from the turn of the 21st century have revealed, transgender Koreans still suffer from a heteropatriarchal system that assumes people have only one (largely unalterable) sex and a gender embodiment that should match that anatomical (if not reproductive) morphology. Our papers seek to address the implicit interests promoted by such assessments and the politicized meanings they hold for a variety of “Koreans” and “non-Koreans.”

시간 Time

발표자 Presenter 발표주제 Topic


소개 introduction

제1세션 (탈)식민지 시대 한국인 정신의 측정평가 [13:10-14:50]

Session I Measuring Minds in (Post-)Colonial Psychiatry




Joon-young Jung
(Seoul National University)

범죄자의 신체, 조선인의 정신: 경성제대 정신의학교실의 서대문형무소 연구

The Body of Criminals, the Mind of Koreans: the Research Conducted in the Seodaemun Prison by the Psychiatric Laboratory of the Keijō Imperial University


질의응답 Q & A


Todd A. Henry

(University of California, San Diego)

냉전시대 한국에서 이성애적 가부장주의의 지킴이로서 정신과 의사의 역할, 그리고 성/젠더 일탈의 가족력

Psychiatrists as Heteropatriarchal Gatekeepers and the Familial Origins of Gender/Sexual “Deviance” in Cold War South Korea


질의응답 Q & A

14:50-15:00 휴식 coffee break

제2세션 (탈)식민지 시대 한국인 신체의 측정평가 [15:00-16:40]

Session II (Post-)Colonial Assessments of the Korean Nation/Race




Jiyoung Park
(Kyung Hee University)

'민족의 체질'로서 아동의 발육 표준 구하기: 일제시기 조선 의학자들의 조선인 아동 신체계측 연구

Seeking Children's Growth Standard as the Physical Consititution of a Race: a Study of Measuring Korean Children's Bodies by Korean Medical Scientists during the Colonial Period

15:30-15:50질의응답 Q & A

Inga K. Diederich

(University of California, San Diego)

혼혈에 대한 감시: 혼혈아의 신체에 관한 과학적 계측과 의학적 정의, 1945-1979

Monitoring Mixed Bloods: Scientific Surveys and Medical Definitions of Honhyŏl’a Bodies, 1945-1979


질의응답 Q & A


휴식 coffee break

16:50-18:00 전체토론 general discussion

문의처: 국제한국학센터 Tel. 02-880-9378 Email icks@snu.ac.kr