


제73회 : Post-Colonial Spectacle: Ch’anggyŏng Garden and the Exhibitionary Complex of Early South Korea

등록일 : 2013.08.26 조회 : 127



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이번 강연은 미국 UCSD 역사학과 교수이신

Todd.A.Henry 선생님께서


“Post-Colonial Spectacle: Ch’anggyŏng Garden and the Exhibitionary Complex of Early South Korea”


라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.


Todd Henry 선생님께서는 미국 조지워싱턴 대학교에서 동아시아 국제관계로 학사를, 일본 조치대학(Sophia University ; 上智大學)에서 국제관계학으로 석사학위를 취득하신 후, 미국 UCLA에서 역사학 박사학위를 취득하셨습니다. 현재 UCSD 역사학과 교수로 재직 중이시며, 한양대학교 비교문화역사연구소에 펠로우로 계십니다. 일제강점기 한국의 도시공간에 대한 연구를 진행 중이시며, 아울러 한국과 북한, 일본을 중심으로 태평양전쟁 이후 미국과의 관련 속에서 일어나는 동아시아의 사회적, 문화적 변화과정에 대해서도 깊은 관심을 갖고 계십니다.


창경원(Ch’anggyŏng Garden)’의 예를 중심으로 일제강점기 이후 서울의 도시 공간, 특히 전시 공간의 재편 과정과 그 의미에 대해 고찰할 이번 발표에, 많은 분들의 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다. 아래에 발표 개요를 첨부합니다.


*본 발표는 영어로 진행됩니다.


Post-Colonial Spectacle:

Ch’anggyŏng Garden and the Exhibitionary Complex of Early South Korea




Todd A. Henry

Assistant Professor of History, UCSD






This presentation will offer a preliminary exploration into the spatial re-making of post-colonial Seoul, with a focus on the exhibitionary complex of early South Korea. During the period of Japanese rule, the colonial state as well as various capitalist supporters regularly staged expositions (i.e., in 1915, 1929, and 1940) in order both to display the material progress of the empire and to subjectify its viewers as integral agents in promoting the peninsula’s “modernization.” To be sure, that project developed in highly uneven and unequal ways, evidenced by the elaborate efforts made of event organizers to fill in this epistemological gap by offering various forms of entertainment to unconvinced viewers of industry. Nevertheless, these colonial spectacles elicited hundreds of thousands of people to visit the newly opened grounds of the city’s former (Chosŏn dynasty) palace grounds, themselves transformed into highly ideological sites of for public display and mass consumption.

Following liberation from Japanese rule, these colonial patterns of Seoul’s exhibitionary complex continued largely unchanged under the early post-colonial regimes of Yi Sŭng-man (r. 1948-60) and Park Chŏng-hŭi (r. 1961-1979). As I will demonstrate through a discussion of the 1955 Exposition (commemorating the tenth anniversary of liberation from Japanese rule) and the 1962 Exposition (celebrating the one year anniversary of Park’s coup d’état), both leaders made active use of the palace grounds, which themselves were only gradually decolonized through various projects of “Koreanization” and, later, restoration. In the meantime, the authoritarian leadership of Yi and Park, opposing a resurgence of an alternative monarch, aggressively used the symbolic power of the dynastic tradition for national/anti-communist purposes. For his part, Yi, initially hoped to transform Ch’anggyŏng Garden (not renamed Ch’anggyŏng Palace until 1983) still the site of the city zoo and a garden which, during the colonial period, had been a popular locale for viewing cherry blossoms into a more solemn site of national rituals. However, the ravages of the Korean War, which led to the destruction of much of the ground’s flora, fauna, and animals, led Yi to re-establish Ch’anggyŏng Garden as a site of mass entertainment and spectacle, using it to re-establish the popular cherry blossom festival and to hold South Korea’s first major commemoration, the 1955 Exposition. Less than 10 years later, Park, the military leader who forcefully overturned the short-lived second republic (1960-61), used the colonial government’s old political center at Kyŏngbok Palace to stage a similar event celebrating the one year anniversary of his own coup d’état. Much like its colonial period precedents, this event aimed to depoliticize the newly liberated masses through the gospel of economic recovery and development a post-colonial strategy aimed at securing South Korea’s political legitimacy and countering the socialist claims of equality being touted by its rival just across the 38thparallel,NorthKorea.




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