


제76회 : Is Climate Change to Blame for the Fall of the Koryo State?

등록일 : 2013.11.12 조회 : 124



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이번 강연은 미시건대학교(University of Michigan) 아시아언어문화학부 교수이신

안준영 선생님께서


Is Climate Change to Blame for the Fall of the Koryo State?


라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.


안준영 선생님께서는 University of Michigan에서 불교학으로 학사학위를, 동 대학원에서 석사학위를 취득하시고, UC Berkeley에서 불교학 박사학위를 취득하셨습니다. 현재 미시건대학교 아시아언어문화학부에서 조교수로 재직 중이시며, 규장각한국학연구원에 펠로우로 와계십니다.


아래에 발표 개요를 첨부하오니, 관심있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.


(*본 발표는 영어로 진행됩니다.)
(*한 주 간 두 차례의 콜로키엄이 개최되오니, 날짜에 착오 없으시길 바랍니다.)




Is Climate Change to Blame for the Fall of the Koryo State?


안준영 (University of Michigan)

Recently, historians of Korea have been looking beyond economics, politics, and culture to make sense of large-scale changes in Korean history. One notable example is the growing interest in the role that climate change or, more specifically, the so-called medieval warm period played in transforming the structures of power at the Koryo court. The alarming frequency with which the Koryo monarchs and court performed rituals for averting “natural” disasters has been interpreted as a response not to personal religious fervor but to the larger shift in the general climate, which brought about disasters such as floods, drought, epidemics, and unseasonal temperature. Although the climate change argument has its advantages, this paper will subject to this reductive reading of the rituals performed at court and also the rebellions that broke out during times of rapid climate change to critique and offer an alternative reading of the rituals and rebellions of the mid and late Koryo periods. This paper will emphasize less the impact of “nature” on humans than on (1) the impact of a growing urban center on the physical environment and, more importantly, (2) the importance of “natural” portents, rituals, and rebellions in the negotiating identity amongst the elite during the Koryo period.



문의) 규장각 학술교육부 880-5827