


제84회 “Total War Mobilization and Dam Construction on the Korea Borderlands”

등록일 : 2014.10.17 조회 : 111

[규장각한국학연구원] 84회 콜로키엄 안내 : Total War Mobilization and Dam Construction on the Korea Borderlands





1029일 수요일 오후 4시에 제84회 콜로키엄을 개최합니다. 장소는 규장각 1층 회의실(112)입니다.

이번 강연은 Arizona State University Histroy school of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies에서 조교수로 계신



“Total War Mobilization and Dam Construction on the Korea Borderlands”


라는 주제로 발표해주실 예정입니다.


AARON STEPHEN MOORE 선생님께서는 버지니아 대학교(University of Virginia) 아시아학과에서 학사학위를, 코넬 대학교(Cornell University) 아시아학과와 역사학과에서 각각 석사학위를, 동대학 역사학과에서 박사학위를 받으셨고규장각한국학연구원에 펠로우로 와계십니다.


아래에 발표 개요를 첨부하오니, 관심 있는 많은 분들의 참여 부탁드립니다.




Total War Mobilization and Dam Construction on the Korea Borderlands


AARON STEPHEN MOORE (Arizona State University)


   In coordinating technology to transform the landscape into an optimal, efficient, and rational system for national development became institutionalized within Japan and its colonial administrations abroad during the 1930s. The planning and building of huge multipurpose dams for industrial and urban development, flood control, irrigation, transportation, and electricity production served as a focal point for this discourse of “comprehensive technology.” By focusing on one of the largest dam projects in the worldthe Suihō (Sup’ung) Damthis presentation examines how ideologies of “constructing East Asia” through technology served as a form of power in the colonial era.

    Contrary to the contemporary representation of these dams as imposing order on a naturalized, undeveloped environment, these projects involved a complex negotiation with existing forces, logics, and institutions such as Japanese business interests, idealistic engineering organizations, Manchukuo’s Five-Year Plans and Korea’s industrialization programs, local environmental and economic conditions, technical knowledge and limitations, labor mobilization, and military campaigns. Thus the colonial discourse of technical expertise overcoming nature was constituted within a disjunctive, uneven field of power relations and forces that not only rearranged these relations, but also undermined its very own technocratic frame. Lastly, I discuss how key figures involved in such large-scale civil engineering projects helped shape Japan’s post-war “construction state” (doken kokka) and Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) policy.


Keywords: Technology and empire, colonial development, imperial power



문의) 규장각 학술교육부 880-5827